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What Happens If I Cancel My Subscription?

If I have to pause my subscription, will I lose access to my system?

We understand that you may not always be able to continue your support of the community. Thus, we make it easy for you to pause and continue your subscription depending on your growth journey needs.

What Happens If I Cancel?

When you choose to cancel your subscription, your subscription benefits will last until the billing cycle ends. At the end of the billing cycle the following will occur:

  • You will still have access to the most recent version of the system for which you have a subscription, but you will no longer receive updated versions of the system.
  • You will lose your Patron Role and lose access to the Patron VIP Space.
  • You will not have access to complimentary expert consulting.
  • You will not get Friday Patron Update emails.
  • Your subscription streak will be reset.
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