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How Do I Join Weekly Cohort Discussions?

I want to get involved & learn together with the family!

All family members are welcome to join us in our LVL-UP Bootcamp space and join the lesson discussions & class assignments.

Every week, we will post in W1/W2/W3/W4 - Discussions with the take home assignment for the week. The homework has been intentionally designed to help you progress in the most important aspect of being intentional.


Some examples include...

  • Drafting 6 areas / values for your Areas of Competence
  • Creating 3 goals / key results / projects / tasks in your success plan
  • Planning out your daily quests
  • Finishing your week review

When you join the bootcamp experience, you benefit from...

  • Learning from LVL-UP students who have just come from class
  • Encouragement and feedback from the family on your assignment
  • Unlocking roles to earn extra privileges in the community!

As you progress through the weeks and hand in homework, you automatically unlock your next role, progressing towards a System Thinker.

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