How can we help? 👋

I want to give feedback on the Make Work Fun app!

How do I help make the app better with my suggestions?

We love co-creating and collaborating with our family to deliver more value.

See Our Public Roadmap

  1. Comment on existing bugs / feature requests to make them higher on the priority list.
  1. Comment if you have ideas on how to solve certain challenges, or workarounds to suggest!

Submit Feedback

  1. Navigate to our issues page on Github
  1. Verify if the feedback already exists. If you find an existing report, you can contribute to the discussion by adding a comment or providing additional information.
  1. If it is an unreported issue, create a Github account if you don’t have one already. You'll need an account to submit bug reports / feature requests or interact with repositories.
  1. Create a new issue:
    1. Notion image
  1. Choose an existing template:
    1. Notion image
We try to keep up with bugs and feature requests as soon as possible! After submitting, monitor the issue for updates and respond to any questions or requests for more information. This will help us resolve the issue more efficiently.

Contribute As A Developer!


Go to our developer space and learn how you can get started.

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