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How does the Loot Box work?

How do formulas work inside the loot box?

Loot boxes are a popular feature in many games, but have you ever wondered how they work? Let’s break down the four formulas that make this work.

Dice Roll Formula

How is the dice roll calculated?

The first step in the loot box system is the dice roll. The system looks at the number of reflections you have done divided by the number of reflections you should be doing. If the result is equal to one, then the system proceeds to the calculation.

The system then generates a random number using the ID of the Notion page. This is the best possible randomization. Then, the system obtains a dice roll that is limited between 1 and 19 or 1 to 20.

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Rarity Earned Formula

What determines whether an item is common, epic, or legendary?

Using a previously earned function that reads the stats number, the system determines whether the item should be common, epic, or legendary based on whether the dice roll is between 1 to 10, 10 to 16, or 16 to 19. Any roll above 19 is considered legendary.

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Reward Rarity

What formula is used to determine the rarity of the item?

The reward rarity is essentially a roll-up that reads from the "Choose a reward" - which is the loop boxes table - and looks for the rarity. It then shows the original item that you've chosen based on its rarity.

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Reward Matches?

If the reward has the same rarity as the item in the loot box, what is the result?

If the reward matches, you can see the rarity and compare it to the rarity of the item. If they match, you get a check mark. If not, you get an X. The weakness of the system, however, is that it doesn't prevent you from gaming it. It doesn't have a hard stop to prevent you from putting any reward you want, but it's up to you to honor the system and not game it. Thus, you should only use the system if the mark is correct.

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Understanding how the loot box concept works can help you make informed decisions when using it. Remember to only use the system appropriately and have fun on your adventures!

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