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What Are Synced Views?

Notion allows you to sync content blocks across multiple locations. With synced blocks, you can edit all these instances at the same time.

Notion allows you to sync content blocks across multiple locations. With synced blocks, you can edit all these instances at the same time.
Notion image

Syncing content across pages

To sync content across pages, simply copy one or multiple blocks from one page, paste in another, then select Paste and sync.

  • Drag across blocks to select content to sync, then copy (cmd/ctrl + C).
  • Navigate to another page and paste (cmd/ctrl + V).
  • Select Paste and sync. Your content now syncs across pages.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

  • Synced content are indicated by a red ring. Editing in one page will change other instances in real time.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

  • To sync the content in additional places, click Copy and sync, then paste in your intended destination.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.


Syncing within the same page

Synced blocks also work inside the same page! You can convert any existing content in your workspace into a synced block, then paste to create a copy.

  • Select the existing blocks by dragging across them with your cursor.
  • Click the ⋮⋮ block handle to the left of the selection. Select Turn into → Synced block to make selected blocks syncable.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

Tip: The slash command /turnsynccan also be used to convert an existing block into a synced block!
  • Click Copy and sync, then paste in the same page.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.


Other ways to sync

You can add new synced blocks from scratch:

  • Add a new synced block with /syncedblock or with the + menu
  • Add new content directly within, or drag existing content into the synced block.

📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

  • Click Copy and sync and paste in any destination to create a synced copy.

Editing synced content

  • Hovering over content synced across different pages will show a red border, making it easy to identify.
  • Click on a synced block to edit and add content within. You can also drag other blocks into the synced block.
  • In the synced block menu, you see a message:
    • Editing in ↙ # other pages that indicates the number of pages in which the synced block exists.

  • Clicking on Editing in ↙ # other pages will allow you to view and navigate to any of those other locations.

      📹 Self-uploaded videos are not supported yet. Please use a third party video provider such as Youtube, Wistia or Vimeo.

Tip: In this menu, the original synced block will have ORIGINALnext to it.

Unsyncing blocks

Unsyncing a copy

If you want to unsync a copied block from the rest:

  • Click ⋮⋮ block handle to the left of the block, or •• in the menu.
  • Then, click Unsync.
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  • This specific content has now been unsynced. Other synced blocks will be unaffected.

Unsync all

If you want to unsync all synced blocks at once:

  • Navigate to the original synced block. You can do this by clicking Editing in ↙ # other pages and then the backlink labelled ORIGINAL.
  • Click ⋮⋮ block handle to the left of the block, or •• in the menu.
  • Then, click Unsync all.
    • Notion image
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