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How To Get Started With Your New System?

Everything you need to know to get started

Thank you for investing in yourself. You are now the proud owner of a system that grows together with you as you progress on your grand adventure.

We put together this quick guide to help you get started on Day 1.



When you first enter our system, you'll find enormous joy in being able to put all the concepts you've learned from self-development books, articles, and videos finally put into action. We want to help you understand the foundations behind how we've been able to distill our learnings into actionable templates, by sharing our way.


The Foundation

Step 1: Find Your Download Package & Duplicate

  • We currently deliver our templates through email when you sign up.*

Step 2: Pick Your Path

Once you have your template securely in your workspace, you can get started in a variety of different ways, depending on what you need.

Notion image
  • Pick one of the boxes in the Get Started gallery to be guided through the system Highly Recommended
  • Jump straight to Tutorials in the System Navigation to find guides and videos help you learn how to use the system effectively. Highly Recommended
  • Jump straight to Dashboards in the System Navigation to get started with your system.*
*To learn how to use any component, simply click on the link to the tutorials 💡 instructions found nearby.
*To learn how to use any component, simply click on the link to the tutorials 💡 instructions found nearby.

Step 3: Join A Cohort (Optional)

  • You’re not alone. Join other adventurers on their growth journey and progress through the system together. Join our LVL-UP Bootcamp cohorts on the first week of the month. Progress at your own pace with the class discussions and share your progress with the family.*

*You don’t have to be part of the bootcamp to benefit from our weekly discussions and assignments! Our students will discuss their learnings after class within the community, so the rest of the family can ask them questions and learn together.


Level Up!

Our ultimate hope is that by learning our way, you find out your way and approach to take action on your learning. The system is fully modular and customizable - and we want you to take full ownership over your life system.

Step 1: Expand your use of the templates

  • Find more database views and see how databases connect with the Components in your system navigation.

Step 2: Learn the fundamentals behind each system

  • Come into the Academy to find detailed blueprints for each template.

Step 3: Customize + Build your own systems

  • Chat with fellow community members and build new templates together!
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